Anahuac Area Chamber of Commerce
Feathers, Fins, & Fur BBQ & Wild Game Cook-Off
October 27-28, 2023
BBQ & Wild Game Cook-Off Rules & Basic Information
Various categories are established as guidelines to ensure fair competition
Wild Fowl, Fish, Venison, Brisket, Chicken Wings, Bacon, Cocktail, Dessert, and Kid’s “Halloween” Choice
Each category is $20 to enter
Teams may enter more than one entry per category for an additional fee
Registration Deadline is Wednesday October 25, 2023
Participants are responsible for supplying all ingredients, cooking devices, tables, cookers, etc.
All participant areas must be self-supporting
Electricity will not be provided. Teams must provide their own power source
Any fires must be in containers/pits; not on the ground. The digging of cooking holes is forbidden, and will not be permitted
Move in and Registration will start at Noon on Friday (10/27/23)
If you are moving in Saturday (10/28/23) Registration will begin at 8a.m.
Any complaints or problems from the cooking teams are to be reported to the committee
Fighting and/or disorderly conduct will not be permitted, under any circumstances, and will result in disqualification. If a team(s) is disqualified, they will forfeit their entry fee
Wild Fowl, Fish, Venison, Brisket, Chicken Wings, Bacon, Cocktail, Dessert, and Kid’s “Halloween” Choice entry sampling is permitted AFTER the judges have received all entries
The Anahuac Area Chamber of Commerce is not responsible for any accidents, theft, or damages.
The Cook-Off Committee reserves the right to make additional regulations as situations warrant
All entries must be prepared on the contest grounds from start to finish
All entries must be submitted to the judges in the designated containers provided by the Cook-Off Committee.
Placing decisions of the judges are final
Set up & Tear Down
Each participant is responsible for finding a cook space at the contest site (Ft. Anahuac Park), and responsible for their own equipment and stand supplies
Teams are responsible for the clean up of their area.
Hot coals and ashes should never be disposed of in trash receptacles or on the ground
Wild Fowl may be submitted by any manner of preparation your team chooses
Wild Fowl may be of any fowl variety, to include but not limited to Dove, Ducks, Geese, Pheasant, Quail, Chukar, and/or SandHill Crane
Sauce will be permitted served on entry, but no extra sauces can be in the provided container
Garnish may be submitted with entry
Entries must be submitted in the container provided by the cook-off committee.
Must submit enough samples for 7 judges
The preparation period will be from registration (7:00a.m-
This cook-off is on the honor system.
The “Wings” competition is limited to CHICKEN Wings
Both Wing and Drum parts may be submitted for judging
Wings may be prepared in any manner you choose
Wings may be sauced and/or seasoned with your team’s choice of recipe
Please do not submit (to the judges) extra garnishes or additional sauces independent from your recipe for dipping (which include but are not limited to ranch, bleu cheese, celery, carrots, etc)
Entries must be submitted in the container provided by the cook-off committee.
Must submit enough samples for 7 judges
The preparation period will be from registration (7:00a.m.-
This cook-off is on the honor system
CATEGORY: Desserts
You may enter the dessert of your choice- this is an open category for all entries.
Desserts must be prepared (start to finish) onsite
Entries cannot be store bought
Entries must be submitted in the container provided by the cook-off committee.
Garnishes ARE allowed, and long as they fit within the confines of the designated container provided.
Judges can cut and divide entries as they taste.
Must submit enough samples for 7 judges
The preparation period will be from registration (7:00a.m.-
This cook-off is on the honor system.
Fish may be submitted by any manner of preparation your team chooses
Sauce will be permitted served on entry, but no extra sauces can be in the provided container
Garnish may be submitted with entry
Entries must be submitted in the container provided by the cook-off committee
Must submit enough samples for 7 judges
The preparation period will be from registration (7:00a.m-
This cook-off is on the honor system.
Salsa must be freshly made on site
Salsa can be of any heat level, color, and consistency preferred by each team
Must submit 32 ounces of salsa for sampling, along with the list of ingredients and/or recipe.
Entries must be submitted in the container provided by the cook-off committee.
The preparation period will be from registration (7:00a.m.-
This cook-off is on the honor system.
Venison may be submitted by any manner of preparation your team chooses
Venison may be of any venison variety, to include but not limited to White Tail, Axis, Moose, and Elk.
Sauce will be permitted served on entry, but no extra sauces can be in the provided container
Garnish may be submitted with entry
Entries must be submitted in the container provided by the cook-off committee.
Must submit enough samples for 7 judges
The preparation period will be from registration (7:00a.m-
This cook-off is on the honor system.
Brisket will be prepared via BBQ Pit (wood or charcoal only; no pellet grills allowed)
One “Show” Piece may be placed in your entry, with all other pieces being cut in half for sampling
No sauces can be in the provided container
No garnish can be submitted with entry
Entries must be submitted in the container provided by the cook-off committee.
Must submit enough samples for 7 judges
The preparation period will be from registration (7:00a.m-
This cook-off is on the honor system.
This category is open for KIDS ONLY! Kids are defined as school age children from Kindergarten to Seniors in High School.
Entries are their choice, BUT MUST BE “HALLOWEEN” THEMED.
Kid Contestants are to prepare 100% of the entry for judging
Adults may assist minimally with open flame, cutting and chopping only!
Entries must be submitted in the container provided by the cook-off committee.
Must submit enough samples for 7 judges
The preparation period will be from registration (7:00a.m-
This cook-off is on the honor system.
Bacon must be the star of your entry, and prepared onsite.
Bacon entry, regardless of food type (appetizer, main course, dessert, etc.) will be judged together
Raw/ Smoked bacon may be store bought or self prepared
Entries must be submitted in the container provided by the cook-off committee.
Must submit enough for 7 judges
The preparation period will be from registration (7:00a.m.-
This cook-off is on the honor system.
CATEGORY: Cocktail (Cook’s Choice)
Entries must be prepared on site
You may enter any cocktail of your choice
Entries can not be store bought
Garnishes are allowed
Entries must be submitted in the container provided by the cook-off committee.
The preparation period will be from registration (7:00a.m.-
This cook-off is on the honor system.
Judging and Awards
All Cook Teams will have a 5 minute window before and after the official turn in time to submit their entries.
Wild Fowl, Fish, Venison, Brisket, Chicken Wings, Bacon, Salsa, Cocktail, Dessert, and Kid’s “Halloween” Choice will be judged on Aroma, Appearance, Consistency, Creativity, and Taste. The winning entry will rate well in all these criteria.
To ensure confidentiality and impartiality during the judging process, each participant will be assigned and given an official sample tray with their anonymous, yet corresponding number covered on the bottom.
The decisions of the judges are final. All contestants will participate at their own risk.
Results will be announced at approximately 5pm
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be announced in each category.